confirm-commit (WORD|)
When a <confirm-commit> operation is performed before the timer expiry of a time based commit, it will stop the revert timer of the commit and the commit will be confirmed.
When the <confirm-commit> operation is performed in the same session as the <commit confirmed>, the commit-id is not required, and configurations can be confirmed without providing the commit-id as input. However, if the operation is performed from a different session, the appropriate commit-id must be provided to confirm the ongoing commit-confirmed operation.
The <confirm-commit commit-id> is supported starting from OcNOS version 6.6.0. The <confirm-commit commit-id> command can be executed from different sessions as well.
Command Syntax
confirm-commit (WORD|)
(Optional) The commit-id of the commit confirmed operation.
Command Mode
All configuration modes
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 6.3.0 and updated in OcNOS version 6.6.0.
The following example shows commit configuration changes before the timeout in a “confirmed commit” operation:
(config)#router ospf 1
(config-router)#router ospf 2
(config-router)#commit confirmed timeout 100 description This is a test for confirmed commit
The following example shows the cancel commit configuration changes before the timer expires in a time-based commit within the same session:
(config)#router ospf 1
(config-router)#router ospf 2
(config-router)#commit confirmed timeout 100 description This is Test for confirmed commit
The following example shows the cancel commit configuration changes before the timer expires in a time-based commit in a different session:
Session 1
OcNOS#show commit list
S.No. ID User Client TimeStamp Commit Status Description
~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 1710233773050496 root cmlsh 12-03-2024 08:56:13 Confirmed NA
OcNOS#show run router ospf
router ospf 6
ospf router-id
router ospf 7
ospf router-id
OcNOS#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
OcNOS(config)#router ospf 8
OcNOS(config-router)#router ospf 9
OcNOS(config-router)#commit confirmed timeout 200
OcNOS#show commit list
S.No. ID User Client TimeStamp Commit Status Description
~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 1710233773050496 root cmlsh 12-03-2024 08:56:13 Confirmed NA
2 1710233810390795 root cmlsh 12-03-2024 08:56:50 Remaining Time: 198 NA
OcNOS#show run router ospf
router ospf 6
ospf router-id
router ospf 7
ospf router-id
router ospf 8
router ospf 9
Session 2
OcNOS#show commit list
S.No. ID User Client TimeStamp Commit Status Description
~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 1710233773050496 root cmlsh 12-03-2024 08:56:13 Confirmed NA
2 1710233810390795 root cmlsh 12-03-2024 08:56:50 Remaining Time: 185 NA
OcNOS#show run router ospf
router ospf 6
ospf router-id
router ospf 7
ospf router-id
router ospf 8
router ospf 9
OcNOS#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
%% Error: no pending commit in this session. To cancel-commit of another session, please provide a commit-id
%% Error: no pending commit in this session. To confirm-commit of another session, please provide a commit-id
OcNOS#show commit list
S.No. ID User Client TimeStamp Commit Status Description
~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 1710233773050496 root cmlsh 12-03-2024 08:56:13 Confirmed NA
2 1710233810390795 root cmlsh 12-03-2024 08:56:50 Remaining Time: 172 NA
OcNOS#show run router ospf
router ospf 6
ospf router-id
router ospf 7
ospf router-id
router ospf 8
router ospf 9
OcNOS#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
OcNOS(config)#confirm-commit 1710233810390795
OcNOS#show commit list
S.No. ID User Client TimeStamp Commit Status Description
~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 1710233773050496 root cmlsh 12-03-2024 08:56:13 Confirmed NA
2 1710233810390795 root cmlsh 12-03-2024 08:56:50 Confirmed NA
OcNOS#show run router ospf
router ospf 6
ospf router-id
router ospf 7
ospf router-id
router ospf 8
router ospf 9