Control Plane Policing Using ACL

Control Plane Policing (CoPP) is enhanced with Access Control List (ACL) support, enabling more precise classification and management of CPU-bound traffic. This update introduces ACL-based filtering for IPv4, improving security, optimizing traffic handling, and ensuring more efficient control-plane traffic processing.

Feature Characteristics


  • Stronger Security: Reduces the risk of DoS attacks by filtering and limiting excessive control-plane traffic.

  • Better Traffic Management: Offers precise control over different types of traffic reaching the CPU, improving overall system efficiency.

  • Flexible Configuration: Provides users with more options to define and manage traffic policies.

  • Increased Performance: Ensures network devices function optimally by reducing unnecessary load on the control plane.



Figure 53. Simple Configuration of CoPP ACL

CoPP IPv4 ACL Configuration

Follow these steps to configure CoPP on the device:

1. Enter Configuration Mode:
# configure terminal
2. Create an IP access list named acl for CoPP.
(config)# ip copp access-list acl
3. Define ACEs to permit IP packets from to any destination and to deny all other IP packets.
(config-ip-copp-acl)# permit any any
(config-ip-copp-acl)# deny any any any
4. Exit access list configuration mode.
(config-ip-copp-acl)# exit
5. Enable QoS, statistics monitoring, and commit the changes.
(config)# qos enable
(config)# qos statistics
(config)# commit
6. Create a class-map named c1 for CoPP.
(config)# class-map type copp match-any c1
7. Associate the previously created acl with the class-map, and then exit.
(config-cmap-copp)# match access-group acl
(config-cmap-copp)# exit
8. Create a class-map named p1 for CoPP.
(config)# policy-map type copp p1
9. Attach the class-map (c1) to the policy-map and then commit.
(config-pmap-copp)# class type copp c1
(config-pmap-copp)# commit
10. Enable hardware-profile filter for copp.
(config)# hardware-profile filter ingress-ipv4-qos-copp enable
(config)# commit
11. Install service-policy for the policy-map p1.
(config)# copp service-policy p1
(config)# commit
(config)# end

Configuration Snapshot


hardware-profile filter ingress-ipv4-qos-copp enable

hardware-profile statistics voq-full-color enable

hardware-profile statistics cfm-ccm enable


qos enable

qos statistics


no ip domain-lookup

ip domain-lookup vrf management

tfo Disable

errdisable cause stp-bpdu-guard

copp service-policy p1

no feature telnet vrf management

no feature telnet

feature ssh vrf management

no feature ssh

feature dns relay

ip dns relay

ipv6 dns relay

feature ntp vrf management

ntp enable vrf management


ip copp access-list 1

10 permit any any

20 deny any any any


class-map type copp match-any c1

match access-group 1


policy-map type copp p1

class type copp c1




To verify CoPP with permit action:

OcNOS#show int cpu counters queue-stats

E - Egress, I - Ingress, Q-Size is in bytes



| Queue/Class-map | Q-Size | Tx pkts | Tx bytes | Dropped p

kts | Dropped bytes |



CPU0.q6 (E) 262144 33561 49871646 0


reserved-mc (E) 2097152 26 2204 0


vrrp-rip-dhcp (E) 1048576 3 1053 0


bpdu (E) 1048576 1 143 0


OcNOS#show int cpu counters queue-drop-stats


| Queue Name | Count | Last Increment | Last Increment Time |


OcNOS#show int cpu counters rate kbps

Load interval: 30 second


| CPU Queue(%) | Rx kbps | Rx pps | Tx kbps | Tx pps |


CPU0.q6 (100%) - - 9780.43 822

reserved-mc ( 0%) - - 0.12 0

bpdu ( 0%) - - 0.01 0

OcNOS#show policy-map statistics

Type qos class-map statistics:



| Class-map | Match pkts | Match bytes | Dropped

pkts | Dropped Bytes |



Type queuing class-map statistics:



| Class-map | Total pkts | Total bytes | Dropped

pkts | Dropped Bytes |




q6 1 90 0



q6 2 188 0



q6 1 90 0



q6 3 270 0


Type CoPP class-map statistics:



| Class-map | Total pkts | Total bytes | Dropped

pkts | Dropped Bytes |




c1 150861 224179446 -

Use the command clear interface cpu counters to clear the cpu counters rate and cpu counters queue-statistics. and clear qos statistics to clear copp type policy-map statistics.

Verify packets drop in the hardware when they hit deny action by using the show command below:

OcNOS#show hardware-discard-counters

Unit :0


| Registers |Core 0 |




CoPP Policer Configuration

Follow these steps to configure CoPP policing:

1. Enter Configuration Mode:
# configure terminal
2. Create an IP access list named acl for CoPP.
(config)# ip copp access-list acl
3. Define ACEs to permit IP packets to any destination.
(config-ip-copp-acl)# permit any any any
4. Exit access list configuration mode.
(config-ip-copp-acl)# exit
5. Enable QoS, statistics monitoring, and commit the changes.
(config)# qos enable
(config)# qos statistics
(config)# commit
6. Create a class-map named c1 for CoPP.
(config)# class-map type copp match-any c1
7. Associate the previously created acl with the class-map, and then exit.
(config-cmap-copp)# match access-group acl
(config-cmap-copp)# exit
8. Create a class-map named p1 for CoPP.
(config)# policy-map type copp p1
9. Attach the class-map (c1) to the policy-map and then commit.
(config-pmap-copp)# class type copp c1
(config-pmap-copp)# commit
10. Configure the Policer (Rate Limiting).
(config-pmap-c-copp)# police cir 100 kbps
(config-pmap-c-copp)# commit

CPU queue rate limits take precedence over CoPP policing configurations when the policer rate exceeds the allowed CPU queue limit. The final enforced rate is determined by the lower of the two values.

11. Enable hardware-profile filter for copp..
(config)# hardware-profile filter ingress-ipv4-qos-copp enable
(config)# commit
12. Install service-policy for the policy-map p1.
(config)# copp service-policy p1
(config)# commit
(config)# end

Configuration Snapshot


hardware-profile filter ingress-ipv4-qos-copp enable

hardware-profile statistics voq-full-color enable

hardware-profile statistics cfm-ccm enable


qos enable

qos statistics


no ip domain-lookup

ip domain-lookup vrf management

tfo Disable

errdisable cause stp-bpdu-guard

copp service-policy p1

no feature telnet vrf management

no feature telnet

feature ssh vrf management

no feature ssh

feature dns relay

ip dns relay

ipv6 dns relay

feature ntp vrf management

ntp enable vrf management


ip copp access-list 1

10 permit any any


class-map type copp match-any c1

match access-group 1


policy-map type copp p1

class type copp c1

police cir 100 kbps




Verify the CoPP policer:

OcNOS#show int cpu counters queue-stats

E - Egress, I - Ingress, Q-Size is in bytes


| Queue/Class-map | Q-Size | Tx pkts | Tx bytes | Dropped pkts | Dropped bytes |


CPU0.q6 (E) 262144 14852 22070072 14702 21847172

reserved-mc (E) 2097152 20 1612 0 0

link-local (E) 1048576 4 304 0 0

bpdu (E) 1048576 1 143 0 0



OcNOS#show policy-map statistics

Type qos class-map statistics:


| Class-map | Match pkts | Match bytes | Dropped pkts | Dropped Bytes |


Type queuing class-map statistics:


| Class-map | Total pkts | Total bytes | Dropped pkts | Dropped Bytes |



q6 2 188 0 0


q6 1 98 0 0

Type CoPP class-map statistics:


| Class-map | Total pkts | Total bytes | Dropped pkts | Dropped Bytes |



c1 16824 25000464 16655 24749330


OcNOS#sh int cpu counters rate kbps

Load interval: 30 second


| CPU Queue(%) | Rx kbps | Rx pps | Tx kbps | Tx pps |


CPU0.q6 ( 10%) - - 97.37 7

reserved-mc ( 0%) - - 0.49 0

link-local ( 0%) - - 0.09 0

bpdu ( 0%) - - 0.04 0


OcNOS#show int cpu counters queue-drop-stats


| Queue Name | Count | Last Increment | Last Increment Time |


CPU0.q6 293 62 0

Implementation Example

  • To prevent a specific stream from consuming the CPU queue's allocated bandwidth for any protocol, classify packets based on their source and destination IP addresses. Then, apply a policer in the ACL to enforce rate limits, ensuring traffic is controlled before it impacts CPU queue performance.

  • To monitor the traffic volume of each protocol from a specific source IP or involving fragments, CoPP ACLs can be configured with a permit rule and no action. This setup implicitly enables the count action, which records the total amount of classified traffic reaching the CPU. Based on the results, the administrator can apply a policer to control the streams or deny packets from a specific source or destined for a particular L4 port.