tls tls-port

Use this command to enable secure or insecure TLS connection for streaming-telemetry.

Use the no parameter of this command to disable the secure or insecure TLS and restart the telemetry with a non-TLS connection.

In OcNOS, streaming telemetry over TLS secures incoming packets for dial-in connections. TLS is not supported for dial-out mode subscriptions.

Command Syntax

tls tls-port <32768-60999>
no tls tls-port <32768-60999>

tls tls-port <32768-60999> insecure
no tls tls-port <32768-60999> insecure
no insecure


tls-port <32768-60999>

Specifies the port number range for the secure TLS gRPC connection.


Disables certificate validation in a TLS-enabled connection.



Command Mode

Feature telemetry configure mode


Introduced in OcNOS version 6.6.0


Secure TLS

Enable or disable the TLS connection on the desired port.

To verify the TLS connection status, check the TLS and insecure-tls fields in the show output. If the TLS field shows enabled, the TLS connection is active. If the insecure-tls field is marked as false, it means that the provided certificates are validated.

OcNOS(config)#feature streaming-telemetry vrf management
OcNOS(feature-telemetry-config)#tls tls-port 34567

OcNOS(config)#show running-config streaming-telemetry
feature streaming-telemetry vrf management
tls tls-port 34567

OcNOS#show streaming-telemetry vrf management

 Number of telemetry instances : 1 (management)
 Platform type                 : High range
 Maximum sensor-paths          : 100
 Minimum sample-interval       : 10
 Number of active sensor-paths : 1 (Dial-In : 1, Dial-out : 0)

 SI           : Sampling Interval in seconds
 Enc-Type     : Encoding type
 Origin:Path  : Sensor Path

 1. Subscription Details (VRF-Name: management):
   Port         : 34567
   TLS          : Enabled
   insecure-tls : False

 Dial-In STREAM Mode Subscription Details:
 ClientIP:Port          ID      SI      Enc-Type      Origin:Path
 -------------        ------   ----     --------      ------------    53207    90          JSON    ipi:/interfaces/interface[name="eth0"]/state

OcNOS(config)#feature streaming-telemetry vrf management
OcNOS(feature-telemetry-config)#no tls tls-port 34567

Insecure TLS

Enable or disable insecure TLS connection on the desired port. In the show output fields, if the insecure-tls field is marked as true, it means that the provided certificates are not validated.

OcNOS(config)#feature streaming-telemetry vrf management
OcNOS(feature-telemetry-config)#tls tls-port 34567 insecure

OcNOS(config)#show running-config streaming-telemetry
feature streaming-telemetry vrf management
tls tls-port 34567 insecure
OcNOS#show streaming-telemetry vrf management

 Number of telemetry instances : 1 (management)
 Platform type                 : High range
 Maximum sensor-paths          : 100
 Minimum sample-interval       : 10
 Number of active sensor-paths : 2 (Dial-In : 2, Dial-out : 0)

 SI           : Sampling Interval in seconds
 Enc-Type     : Encoding type
 Origin:Path  : Sensor Path

 1. Subscription Details (VRF-Name: management):
   Port         : 34567
   TLS          : Enabled
   insecure-tls : True

 Dial-In STREAM Mode Subscription Details:
 ClientIP:Port          ID      SI      Enc-Type      Origin:Path
 -------------        ------   ----     --------      ------------    13085    90          JSON    ipi:/interfaces/interface[name="eth0"]/state
OcNOS(config)#feature streaming-telemetry vrf management
OcNOS(feature-telemetry-config)#no tls tls-port 34567 insecure


OcNOS(config)#feature streaming-telemetry vrf management
OcNOS(feature-telemetry-config)#no insecure