XPath Formatting Rules for gnmic Subscription

OcNOS enforces specific formatting rules for XPath in gNMIc subscription commands.

Xpath with string keys must be enclosed in double quotes ("").

Here is an example for the Xpath with string keys:

--path '/components/component[name="TEMPERATURE-MAC"]/state'

--path /components/component[name=\"TEMPERATURE-MAC\"]/state
Xpath with integer keys must be provided without double quotes.

Here is an example for the Xpath with integer keys:

--path ipi:/bgp/bgp-instances/bgp-instance[bgp-as=100]/peers/peer[peer-address=\"\"]/state

--path  'ipi:/bgp/bgp-instances/bgp-instance[bgp-as=100]/peers/peer[peer-address=""]/state'
Xpath with implicit wildcard keys can be provided with or without single quotes.

Here is an example for the Xpath with implicit wildcard keys:

--path '/components/component/state'

--path /components/component/state